What is this?
This is what’s known as a “Campaign comic”, done in the style of DM of the Rings or Darths & Droids. Here, an established work (in this case: the Stargate movie) doesn’t exist save as a tabletop roleplaying game, which the players are unintentionally acting out.
When does it update?
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00 EST.
Is this related to DM of the Rings / Darths & Droids / other?
Only in terms of inspiration. Some general formatting aspects are directly inspired by Darths & Droids, but otherwise the works are completely separate. I look to avoid reading other campaign webcomics to try and avoid copying them directly or indirectly. I fully encourage the readers to check out the other works – they’re fun!
Why “Gates and Gods“?
It’s something of a tradition to use a Dungeons & Dragons inspired pun – such as “Darths & Droids” or “D&DS9“. In this case, Gates & Gods fulfills the alliteration and would seem to encompass the core aspects of the Stargate universe.
Who are the players?
All the players are college students, taking a break between classes to exercise their imaginations.
What software do you use?
This strip is pretty much made entirely in Inkscape using a VLC player along with a Stargate Blu-Ray to make the strips. That, and 5th Avenue candy bars.
Who are you?
I’m just a geek that while my first love will always be Star Trek, got bitten by the Stargate bug long ago. I went through a phase where I watched the film daily for about two weeks and just never recovered. I think the aspect of the film that most resonates with me is the seemingly grandeur and inherent wonder of the movie – the vibe of “What is this? What does it do?” I also enjoyed (most) of the TV shows.
As for “why Stargate” – I figured it made the most sense. I was initially considering doing such a comic based on Babylon 5‘s pilot movie The Gathering but realized the inherent work of serializing 5 seasons of television would be a colossal effort. I am considering other works such as Event Horizon or Big Trouble in Little China, but let’s finish this project before starting others, shall we?
What else have you done?
This is my first drawing work, usually my preferred medium is Lego. For example – here’s a Lego Stargate: Atlantis Puddle Jumper model I submitted to Lego Ideas:
I also have a Lego Star Trek movie-era bridge that I’m rather proud of: