Roland is the GM of our little game, he’s generally a good one but frequently his enthusiasm for the story overrides his good sense. He tends to railroad his players, more because he gets caught up in his vision than any particular One True Story that must be made manifest. He’s not fighting the players, he just thinks they’ll have more fun if they do certain things.
James is a novice player, new to the game and enthusiastic. A bit overwhelmed by all the mechanics, but generally game to play and have fun.
Roland’s roommate and long time player. A long time player, he’s always up for a game and tends to mentor new players. He’s also working to help Roland become a better GM. Known for his snarkiness and rather detests railroading unless artfully done. (He’ll make his own decisions, thank you very much). Was initially promised by Roland to be the team leader…
Kurt’s an old hand at tabletop games. A man of few words, he’s thoughtful and insightful. Tends to go with the flow of the game, see what comes next. Actually IS the team leader, much to J.D.’s consternation.