James: I, uh, check out these coverstones, what do make of them?
GM: Thirteen wedge stones around a circular center. They’re very impressive and very massive, you can’t recall seeing anything like it.
James: Wow!
GM: Catherine walks up to you, smiling.
GM (Catherine): “Hello Jackson, welcome to ‘The Well'”
James: “These are incredible, where did you find them?”
GM (Catherine): “Giza PLateau, 1928. I accompanied my father, Professor Paul Langford, to a dig. He had traced clues from other sites to a new area, never before explored. They dug for weeks without luck until… we received word they’d found something. We quickly rushed to the site to see what they unearthed. My father couldn’t believe his eyes! I’d never seen him so excited about a dig.”
GM (Dr. Langford): “It’s fantastic!”
GM (Catherine): “I couldn’t wait to see what else they had found…”
J.D.: Aww, how sweet, daddy’s little tomb raider…
I really do think the coverstones were really much more impressive props than really given their de. Some of the details such as how the stargate glyphs are along the outer edge still escape me and I've watched this film more times than I'd care to admit.