GM: Okay, J.D. – you’re up!
J.D.: Oh goody, do I get to play too?
GM: Well, if you WANT to do the recruitment scene…
J.D.: Eh, I’m sure you’ve got something prepped. “Doctor Jackson!”
GM: You see an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel approach from a waiting car.
James: “Air Force? What is this?”
J.D.: “*Someone* wants to speak with you!”
GM: As you wish…
James: “Am I being abducted?”
J.D.: “I’ll watch over your bags, just step into the car, please.”
James: Well, must be part of the story so might as well get out of the rain…
J.D.: Some advice, when presented with unusual situations, not a bad idea to do a Perception check.
James: Okay, I do a perception check.
GM: You see a distinguished, civilian, elderly lady… she’s wearing a pendant with the Eye of Ra, the Egyptian Sun God… and holding a file with your baby picture.
J.D.: Wait, does he notice them in that order?
James: Well, I AM an Egyptologist…