GM: People start laughing and leaving, suggesting Atlanteans or Martians built the Pyramids.
J.D.: Don’t feel bad, mate; it was likely doomed to fail.
GM: Almost certainly with his Bad Rep quality and controversial ideas.
J.D.: Which were?
James: Arguing the timeline’s wrong, that evidence suggests the Pyramids were built BEST to WORST, as if the Egyptians forgot how to make them or maybe didn’t at all.
J.D.: Yeah, I can see how that’d be a hard pill to swallow.
James: Anything I can do to win back the crowd?
GM: Everyone’s gone, except for your mentor who pulled some strings to arrange the seminar. He looks disappointed in you.
James: Lovely. Well, uh, I don’t suppose there was a catered lunch?
GM: Let me just roll and… no there isn’t.
James: Fine, guess I’ll go home.
GM: Outside, the sunny day has turned to a downpour.
J.D.: Sad rain? Laying it on a little thick, are we?
That is one issue with the film - we're never told what Jackson's theories are beyond just that the Pyramids weren't built by the Fourth Dynasty and as such have no idea what Catherine can help him prove. It does sort of tie into the revelation that the Pyramids are extraterrestrial in nature, however that just makes Jackson look like an Ancient Aliens nut, albeit he's right in this case.