James: I mean, this is interesting but…
James: an ancient typo, is that it?
GM: Perhaps I went a bit overboard.
J.D.: You think?
GM: Skip ahead. “Sho, who do you think built the Pyramidsh?”
J.D.: What is that, Sean Connery?
GM: Only have so many voices, want my Russian again?
J.D.: God no!
GM: Okay, James, the audience is skeptical but giving you a chance. Time for a persuasion check. Also, if you act it out it could add to your favor if it’s particularly convincing.
James: Okay, that’s uh…
GM: Negotiation plus charisma for dice, minus any penalties.
James: Alright, it’s about ‘when’, not ‘who’, so… “I don’t have any idea who built them…”
J.D.: Oof.
GM: And… survey says, THAT was a fail.
Rather convenient, no? Anyways, just as the movie skipped over it, so do the players.
Also, that heckler just always reminded me of Sean Connery, or perhaps John Rhys-Davies.